Aung San Suukyi geeft haar visie over wat GG is, hoe het gemeten kan worden en welke key elements Good Governance kent.
Gepubliceerd op 16 sep. 2013
This discussion was part of the 17th annual Forum 2000 Conference, “Societies in Transition,” held in Prague, Sept. 15–17, 2013.
• What is meant by good governance? How is it measured?
• What are the key elements of good governance?
• What are the main risks on the road to good governance?
• Is it possible to have good governance without democracy and vice versa?
Panel Discussion:
• AUNG SAN SUU KYI, Political Leader, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Forum 2000 International Advisory Board, Burma
• FREDERIK WILLEM DE KLERK, Former President, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Forum 2000 International Advisory Board, South Africa
• GRIGORY YAVLINSKY, Economist, Politician, Russia
• JAN ŠVEJNAR, Director, Center on Global Economic Governance, Columbia University, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, USA/Czech Republic
• SURENDRA MUNSHI, Sociologist, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, India
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